Sports Podiatry

Sports Podiatry

At Foot Lab Podiatry, our experienced podiatrists are dedicated to help solve any foot related injuries and get you back on your feet as soon as possible. Whether it’s an injury due to trauma or overuse (mechanical issue) our podiatrist can address and treat the issue accordingly. Through a complex biomechanical assessment and thorough history taking, our podiatrist can identify and treat any issues that can potentially cause you trouble and affect your performance.
Some treatments and assessments performed related to Sports Podiatry include:

  • A full biomechanical assessment
  • A running and walking gait analysis assessment can provide an in-depth analysis of how best to prevent injuries and maintain your feet and ankle health
  • A footwear assessment can also be provided to educate you on the best footwear for the sports you play and how to optimise your foot heath
  • A custom orthotic device may be prescribed to be worn inside your shoes
  • Manual therapy such as dry needling and cupping
  • Artificial aids such as moon boots or braces
  • Injection Prolotherapy
  • Injury and post injury recover and rehabilitation through the correct advice and rehab strength/conditioning program

Common sports related injuries/conditions we treat at Foot Lab Podiatry include:

  • Shin splints
  • Calf tightness and pain
  • Ankle sprains and ligament ruptures
  • Achilles tendinitis and tendon tears
  • Plantar fasciitis and plantar fascial tears
  • Stress fractures
  • Metatarsalgia


initial biomechanical assessment:


  • Full history taking and assessment to determine what is causing the pain, identify any muscle imbalances and weakness, and diagnose any conditions
  • Through the results of the assessment, a management plan is implemented to best treat the presenting complaint and diagnosis

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subsequent consultation based on treatment options


  • Various treatment options can be implemented and used for the treatment of sports based injuries, such as:
  • Dry needling
  • Tapping
  • Cupping
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Orthotics
  • Deep tissue massage

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can the podiatrist refer me for an x-ray or an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis?


Can I fit my custom orthotics into my football boots?


Do you make sports orthotics?

Yes, our lab designs specific sports orthotics with certain anti-friction and anti-slip material which accommodates the width of the footwear.

Your feet are your foundation for life.

Looking for a pediatric podiatrist that specialises in treating flat feet in children?